Alterations To Chanel Jacket- Letting It Out

Alterations to Ready-to-Wear

In the world of fast fashion and practically disposable clothing, properly altered and fitted clothing is a new concept. I know plenty of people who have their clothes altered, mainly taken in, but getting a store-bought clothing item let out/taken out is an unknown phenomenon.

It’s so unheard of that a professional tailor turned me away. “It’s not possible.” You can read that story here

Enter Chanel jackets.

This is the beauty of Chanel jackets. An experienced seamstress can take it OUT up to two sizes with ease. An experienced seamstress can be a Chanel seamstress or your local tailor. I don’t live near a boutique, so I had to find one, and she is good.

Chanel Jacket Construction

Chanel jackets have impeccably construction. Several vertical panels of fabric are sewn together to create a structured yet fluid shape.

Inner of Chanel Jacket

Even arms have several panels. Each of these panels has a seam available inside, which allows for alterations to achieve a better fit. This allows the jacket to be enlarged quite a bit. How much is that?

Chanel Jacket Can Be Enlarged into Two Sizes

Yes!!! It means that a Chanel jacket can be taken out in up to two sizes. Of course, this will depend on the specific jacket and how much fabric is available in the seams. From my experience, some have more room than others.

What this means is you *can* purchase a jacket a size or two smaller than your actual size and sweat too much about not being able to wear it. By the magic of tailoring, I was able to fit into a size 36 jacket without losing an ounce of weight.

The label size of this jacket is 36. I was definitely a 40 at the time. When I bought this jacket, it was so tight that I could barely move my arms. A week later & 0 pounds lost & it fit me perfectly.

Alteration of Chanel Cuba Jacket
Alteration of Chanel Cuba Jacket

There Is Always A Risk – YMVV

Keep in mind when buying pre-loved that there is always a risk that you may end up purchasing something too small. It’s a bit of a gamble because you don’t know if it had alterations in its previous life, and no seam is available to let out.

If it was taken in, did the previous tailor leave the seam inside or cut it off? If the excess seam is not there, you will have nothing available. 

I can not stress the importance of YMVV because you can easily end up with a jacket that’s unwearable, and you will lose money while selling it. So please proceed with caution.

In my experience, lighter weight tweeds have much more generous seams available, simply because excess seam doesn't add bulk behind the lining. For this reason bulky fabric demands tighter/smaller seams.

It’s All Fun And Games

I do enjoy engaging in risky behavior and taking my chances. I used to be way worse and have bought jackets that were two sizes too small. Look at the available seams in this Paris Dubai jacket. It’s huge! That’s just one seam. It had enough seam left over even after letting out two sizes.

Chanel Jacket Seam

Now, I am slightly more careful. I stay within one size range of my current size (which is 38) and don’t stray too far. That doesn’t mean that I will not jump on one if it comes up for sale and it’s hard to find one. I enjoy the surprises.

Chanel Jacket Before Alteration
Chanel Jacket After Alteration


The couture-style construction of Chanel jackets allows for a lot of play. You can have it taken out relatively quickly. After all, a $10,000 jacket is only going to look like a $10,000 jacket if it fits you impeccably. No dowdy-fitting clothes can look expensive unless, of course, you are a supermodel.

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